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The World of Sauna

The new sauna world with a relaxation room is the right place for great relaxation and consistent detoxification of the body. Try the Finnish sauna and cool off in the pool or on the outdoor terrace.
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Opening hours
The sauna area is open every day from 4pm to 10pm. Saunas can be booked in advance and rented privately (by appointment except FRI-SUN 1-8pm).

Finnish saunas

One larger and one smaller (can offer more privacy) are a popular place in our sauna world for regeneration and detoxification all year round. Taking a sauna helps to strengthen immunity and is one of the best ways to give your body a break.

Infra physiotherm chairs

Radiation penetrates deeper into body tissues. In this way, the muscles relax and the body naturally gets rid of tension. Ideal for a good and quality sleep. These chairs are also a suitable alternative for those who do not like the high temperature of the Finnish sauna or the high humidity of the steam sauna.

Cooling pool

The rapid cooling pulls down the skin capillaries enlarged by staying in the sauna and thus helps to eliminate unwanted toxins from the body. For cooling, you can of course use a shower as well.

Outdoor terrace

In cold weather, we recommend using our terraces to cool down between your sauna phases, where you can relax in the fresh air, for example with a cup of tea or a lemonade at the bar.

Relaxation room

A quiet place to switch off and an important part of the sauna world. Enjoy our relaxation room with pleasant music and comfortable loungers just when you are quiet and soothing.